
A global agricultural company providing seeds and crop protection products wanted to carry out an exhaustive evaluation of its corn seed brand in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar. The objective was to find insights in order to devise their next campaign strategy and channelize resource allocation.


A quantitative study was carried out amongst farmers and retailers in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar. 1525 farmers (users and non-users of the corn seed brand) and 75 retailers were interviewed face to face in multiple districts within the two states.

The farmers were profiled based on age, education, land holding and types of crops they grew. The discussion was centered around motivational factors driving hybrid corn seed purchase, features of an ideal hybrid corn seed, level of brand awareness, source of awareness, brand disposition, share of plantation acreage, purchase behavior, irrigation facility, chemicals and equipments used, drivers and barriers for using the corn seed brand, purchase decision influencers, brand image, brand satisfaction, company awareness, campaign & advertising awareness, most preferred platform for an ad, media habits, mobile and internet usage pattern.

The retailers were profiled based on number of years in corn seed business, various agri input products stocked, types of seed sold apart from corn and competitor seed brands they sell. The discussion was centered around brand awareness, corn seed brands stocked/sold, brands recommended and not recommended to dealers and farmers and the reasons behind it, selling price to farmers, selling tactics, reasons why farmers buy the corn seed brand, challenges faced by retailers in selling the corn seed brand, brand perception, purchase behavior of farmers, factors/stakeholders that influence farmer’s corn seed purchase decision, role of retailers in purchase decision, brand satisfaction and key parameters driving selection of hybrid seed brand.


Based on the findings, we recommended the client key steps forward for strengthening their relationship with channel partners. We also suggested ways for increasing acceptance of the corn seed brand amongst farmers and for improving their campaign strategy.